A Revista Vibrant acaba de lançar o Dossiê “Utopias of Recycling and Circularity”. Nele, pesquisadoras e pesquisadores apresentam percepções sobre “novos mundos possíveis”, a partir de reflexões baseadas em pesquisas realizadas em diversos países.
A coordenadora do Residualab, Maria Raquel Passos Lima também contribui com seu artigo “Anthropology of waste: a research agenda for the study of cities in the era of climate change”.
O Dossiê pode ser lido neste link: http://www.vibrant.org.br/vibrant-v-20-2023/
Índice do Dossiê:
- Introduction
Cristhian Caje; Barbara Arisi
- Informal Collection in Buenos Aires: Behind and Beyond Crises
Mariano Perelman
- “They don’t stop and analyse that what we’re recycling is coming from their homes”: Pathways of waste and autonomous wastepickers in Santos- São Paulo, Brazil
Josefina Tranquilin-Silva; Tereza Carvalho; Maria Golobovante; Akio Goya
- Recycling, caring and chatting at the Food Bike: Citizen Participation in a Waste Management Experiment in Hengelo, the Netherlands
Jordi Bok; Freek Colombijn
- Solid waste recycling in the Netherlands: ethnography of the circular economy
Cornelia Eckert; Carmen Rial
- Feeding the earth: composting and compost in an indigenous garden in Rio de Janeiro
Camila Bevilaqua Afonso; Arthur Pereira Imbassahy
- Reciclaje de plásticos en Uruguay: realidades y complejidades
Sonia Angelo; Esther Rossi
- To the rescue! An ethnography of food waste reduction practices in the Netherlands
Lena Muldoon
- Waste and disposal in Indigenous Lands: the experience of the Gavião Pyhcop Catiji with solid waste in the Amazon (Brazil) Maycon Melo; Airton Lima; Francarlos Ribeiro
- Public policies for solid waste management and the occupation of areas near water in Manaus and Recife
Camila Iribarrem, Caroline Almeida and Márcia Regina Rufino
- Notes on wine growing and the Circular Economy in the context of intensifying climate change
Carla Rocha; Eunice Nodari
- Repair cafés in the Netherlands: Capitalist abstinence as a challenge to a linear capitalist economy
Freek Colombijn; Precious Egboko
- Anthropology of waste: a research agenda for the study of cities in the era of climate change
Maria Raquel de Lima